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Active Calderdale – Keep moving during the COVID-19 outbreak!

During the COVID-19 crisis it is more important than ever that we keep moving.




Physical activity is particularly important because:

  • It boosts our physical well-being and the immune system
  • It improves our mental well-being
  • it allows us to feel socially connected
  • It can help to sustain jobs (e.g. instructors on-line)

Active Calderdale  is full of ideas and resources to help you be active, either in or outside the house, whether you’ve never been active before or are just looking for something new.  There’s a link to the latest Government guidance to on how you can be active and how to do it safely through social distancing. You can do everything from online relaxation , dancing or get gardening tips.

By sharing how you are active, you can inspire others to get moving too. Use the hashtag #ActiveCdale on twitter or instagram,  or drop us an email to

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