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Lung Cancer: Don’t ignore the symptoms

Despite lung cancer being the third most common cancer in England, suspected lung cancer referrals remain lower than normal. As of December 2020, lung cancer referrals had reached 73% of pre-COVID levels, while referrals for all cancers were just over 100%.

You may have already seen or heard The Help Us Help You Lung Cancer Symptoms campaign on TV, radio, and video on demand (catch-up TV).

If you’ve had a cough for three weeks or more, and it isn’t COVID-19, it could still be a warning sign

  • A cough for three weeks or more could be a sign of cancer. Just contact your GP practice
  • It’s probably nothing serious, but finding cancer early makes it more treatable


A cough that lasts for three weeks or more could be a sign of lung cancer and encourages anyone who has this symptom to contact their GP practice.


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